to Glory
March 17, 2024 - Golgotha to Glory - Part 1
Pastor Jay's message today is from Mark 15:1-15. He invites us to listen with fresh ears to all that Jesus did on our behalf - His surrendering sacrifice enables us to have a relationship with our holy God. In the greatest trade ever, He traded His innocent, sinless life for our sinful ones. Our response is to love as He does.
March 24, 2024 - Golgotha to Glory - Part 2
Our message, from Mark 15:16-39 on this Palm Sunday, is about Jesus' crucifixion. Pastor Jay reminds us that, from 6 am to 3 pm, Jesus willingly endured being cruelly beaten, humiliated, mocked, crucified with the guilty, 3 hours of utter darkness, an agonizing separation from His Father, and death. He did this to satisfy the debt of sin of all who believe - so that we are no longer separated from God.
March 31, 2024 - Golgotha to Glory - Part 3
On this Resurrection Sunday, we celebrate that Jesus is indeed alive and continues to transform our lives today. Pastor Jay's message from Mark 16:1-16 reminds us that, because of Jesus’ willing sacrifice and resurrection, we are enabled to face the hurdles of this life and to look forward to living in Heaven with Him.