May 5, 2024
Pastor Jay's message today is from Joshua 1:1-9 and it addresses job transitions - getting one, changing one, retiring. 62% of Americans either want to or have quit their jobs in the last year. At any point our job situation may be giving us an opportunity to learn something new or for God to prepare us for our next steps. The way to discern our next steps is to immerse ourselves in God's Word, meditate on it, and pray for God to continually remind us of His promises for us.
May 19, 2024
Pastor Logan Hull shares a message from Romans 12:1-8 about transitioning to a new phase of life. We are advised to surrender our will daily if we want our lives to have an eternal impact. We are to seek the pure Word of God rather than feed fleshly desires, and we must be willing to serve where God has called us
May 12, 2024
Today we talk about the transition of becoming the parent of a child. Based on Hannah's story from 1 Samuel 1:3-28, Pastor Jay reminds us that we may be desperate for a child or for a child's well-being, and that we need to not only dedicate them to God as babies but every year of their life thereafter - letting go enough for God to use them however He sees fit.
May 26, 2024
Pastor Jay assures us, from Psalm 71:1-21, that God is faithful to continue to be with us as we age and retire. We are to be faithful to praise Him in every circumstance, clinging to our God Who is so good to us, and sharing His goodness and mercy with the next generation.