Enough is Enough
Enough is Enough - Part 1
Pastor Jay’s message is from 1 Timothy 6:3-10. Contentment is elusive to us because we have the wrong Perspective, and, not realizing that we can only be satisfied by the Person of Jesus Christ, we face Problems caused by chasing possessions.
Enough is Enough - Part 2
Pastor Jay’s message this Thanksgiving season is from Philippians 4:10-13: Contentment is a Choice, not based on our changing Circumstances. and can only be found in Christ.
Enough is Enough - Part 3
Logan Hull, our Student Pastor, brought todays message: Resentment or Contentment. What makes people unhappy is that they are discontent. Passages from Numbers, Mark, and Philippians tell us we should learn from history, lay down our lives, and lean on Jesus