Good News People
Good News People - Part 1
Pastor Jay’s message today is from Luke 4:14-30, where, in Jesus’ own words, we are told we are here to share the good news of hope in knowing Jesus with everyone. Both the poor and seemingly wealthy can be spiritually blinded to their need for freedom from useless striving and self-reliance.
Good News People - Part 3
The message today is from Mark 2:1-12, the story of 4 friends who brought a paralytic to Jesus for healing. Pastor Jay pointed out that all 4 were necessary, none more important than the other, to support the 4 corners. This teaches us that, no matter the size of the task we are called to, we are called to be corner-bearers bringing others to Jesus.
Good News People - 5
Our Palm Sunday message is from 1 Corinthians 11:23-34. As we prepared our hearts for Communion today, Pastor Jay shared the Explanation of the Table, it’s Proclamation, our Reflection of the Table, and the Connection of the Table.
Good News People - Part 2
In our message today from Psalm 146, Pastor Jay calls us to Focus on the Hope that we have as Christians, a Faith that is not in our jobs or spouses or bank accounts, but one that is based on Jesus Christ and our Future with Him. Each of us is a child of God. We are so blessed!</p>
Good News People - Part 4
Jesus Himself gave us the perfect example of how to be Good News People. Pastor Jay’s message from Philippians 2:5-11 points out that Jesus was Selfless, became a Servant, was a willing Sacrifice, and took Satisfaction in doing what God sent Him to do.