Next Steps
Next Steps - Part 1 - Salvation
Pastor Jay’s message today, from 2 Kings 5:1-14, asks what is hindering us from taking our next step in our relationship with Christ (our power, trying to earn it, or pride?), then tells us how to take our next steps with humility, surrender, and obedience.
Next Steps - Part 2 - Baptism
Pastor Jay’s message today about the importance of baptism is from Act 2:37-41. Baptism is a Public way to share your faith, is pleasing to God, is a Pattern in that it comes after accepting Christ, and it is a Picture of our dying to our life of sin and being raised to walk in the newness of life in Christ.
Next Steps - Part 3 - Membership
Pastor Jay’s message today is about Church Membership. Taking lessons from Acts 2:42-47, Hebrews 13:15-19, Matthew 18:15-17, and 1 Corinthians 12:27-31, we see that Membership is about Connection, Cooperation, Correction, and Contribution.