The game of life
October 1, 2023 - The Game of Life - Part 1
Pastor Jay began our new series about Life by defining stewardship. Stewardship is utilizing and managing everything God has provided for us for His glory and for the betterment of His creation. Psalm 24:1-10 exhorts us to Recognize, Respond to, and Rest in God’s Ownership of all He has created.
October 15, 2023 - The Game of Life - Part 3
Pastor Jay’s message today asks “How are you spending your money?” God owns it all and has entrusted our money to us. What are we doing with what He has given us? Are wasting His assets?Are we willing to make Adjustments? Where are our true Affections?
October 8, 2023 - The Game of Life - Part 2
Pastor Jay’s message today is from Matthew 25:14-30. God is responsible for the amount we are given to steward. We are responsible for applying the gifts given us.We will be responsible for giving God an answer when He asked how we have stewarded His gifts, including our greatest treasure, our salvation.
October 22, 2023 - The Game of Life - Part 4
The message today is from Matthew 6:19-24. As we examine our stewardship, we should ask: Where am I investing? What perspective am I adopting - a Biblical or Worldly view? and Which master am I serving?<