
 Summer Camp

June 23-27, 2025

See You at summer Camp
June 23 - 27, 2025

This summer we are going to Marianna, FL for Summer Camp at Stillwaters at Blue Springs! It is going to be an amazing week that will transform and grow your faith! So, grab a friend or your whole crew and join us!


Go to Summer Camp

Summer Camp isn't simply a week away.
It's a chance to leave behind the busyness of everyday life.
It's an opportunity to meet new people or hang out with your closest friends.
It's a safe place to have fun, grow and hear from God.



Early Bird pricing lasts until February 16th and it is $340 per student. After February 16th, the cost will increase to $400 per student. This covers pretty much everything you will ever need while at Summer Camp. You can pay for the trip in full when you sign up, or reserve your spot with a $50 non-refundable deposit. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Logan Hull.

Please use the online links below to fill out the waiver and medical release form for 2025 (If you have not already filled out the medical release form previously this year).



important dates

January 15, 2025 - Early Bird Registration Open ($340)

February 16, 2025 - Normal Registration Open ($400)

June 1, 2025 - Last day to sign up

June 2 - June 22, 2025 - Late Registration ($450)

June 23, 2025 - Leave for Summer Camp


  • Activities

    - Paintball

    - Kayaking

    - Riverboat

    - Archery/Marksmanship

    - Painting

  • Location

    2650 Lakeshore Drive,

    Marianna, FL 32446

  • Campus Map

    Click the link below to use an interactive map of the Stillwaters campsite!

Give to the Summer Camp Fund

Last year several of the students that attended Summer Camp requested some level of financial assistance.
When you give to Summer Camp you help remove a major barrier to students hearing the gospel and seeing
their lives changed forever.

When you give, you make it possible for students
to experience life change.
Whether giving online or in person,
simply designate your gift
to the Student Camp Fund. 

Serve at Summer Camp 2025!

Summer Camp not only serves as a life-changing week for students but for volunteers as well. Volunteering as a leader builds your own faith as you see God work in the lives of students.

If you're interested in serving at Summer Camp, email Logan Hull


You may think you aren't able to afford Summer Camp this year, but what if we can help make it happen?
We want to do everything in our power to get everyone to Summer Camp that wants to go.

So, if you have any questions or concerns that are not covered below in our FAQ section,
or you're in need of financial assistance, please let us know.


+ Where is Summer Camp?

Stillwaters at Blue Springs in Marianna, FL.

+ When is Summer Camp?

June 23 - June 27, 2025.

+ What is Summer Camp like?

Each day starts with a quick breakfast followed by a morning session that is concluded with small groups. After small groups, we gear up for the day. We will grab lunch, and then move into free time where studetns will have the opportunity to particpate in one of the many activities (paintball, kayaking, river boat ride, etc). Every afternoon after free time, we will have Rec where there will be team events to earn points in hopes of winning the camp trophy for the week! Each night we clean up and gather for dinner and a session. Late night snack and activities follow our nightly sessions and then it’s back to the rooms for some sleep.


+ How much does it cost to go to Summer Camp?

Early bird pricing is $340 and lasts from January 15th through February 16th. Regular pricing is $400 and due by June 1st. Late pricing is $450 and is due by June 22nd.

+ What does the price of Summer Camp include?

Summer Camp costs include charter buses to and from Stillwaters in Florida, lodging for the week, all food once we arrive to the retreat center, access to all materials, sessions, and camp activities while in Garden City, and a sweet Beach Camp shirt!

+ How much spending money should I send with my student?

The only spending money necessary is $20-$30 to cover two meals – one traveling to and one traveling from Garden City. There is a snack shop on site where students can buy drinks or snacks. In general, only send what you are comfortable with your student spending, because they’ll most likely spend everything you give them (if not for themselves, for their friends).


+ Is there financial assistance?

Yes. If you or someone you know cannot go to Summer Camp because of costs, email logan.hull@pcbchurch.org to ask about financial assistance.

+ Are there refunds?

$50 is not refundable as your deposit. Other than that, we certainly understand that sometimes circumstances change. If this is the case, refunds are possible and any money paid after the deposit is transferable until June 1, 2025.

+ How do I volunteer?

Email logan.hull@pcbchurch.org if you are interested in volunteering as a leader for Summer Camp 2025.


+ If I just graduated high school, can I still go?

Yes! Seniors who just graduated in May are able to attend Summer Camp!

+ If I start middle school in the fall, can I go?

Not yet. Summer Camp attendees must have completed the 6th grade.

+ What do I do if there is an emergency while my child is at Beach Camp?

There will be an emergency phone line for you to call and get in contact with your student. You will find out more about this at the parent meeting.


+ What do I do if my child has medication to take?

We will have a nurse travel with us to camp who will administer all medications. At check-in you will need to see and submit all medications to our nurse. Each medication will have a form that will need to be filled out and accompany the medication. Over-the-counter medicines are not necessary to pack as we will supply these as needed.

+ What does I need to pack?

You can access the packing list on the registration page!

+ Are phones allowed for students?

Students are allowed to take their phones with them and use them for the bus rides. However, once we get to camp, phone use will be limited. The reason being is that we want this to be primarily an unplugged week with a minimal distractions as possible. I know this may be difficult for some students but almost every student that thinks they can't go a week without their phone will end this week wanting to spend less time on it. We all need community and Summer Camp is one of the greatest ways to be present in community all week. Leaders will have their phones on them and if any parents need to be in touch they can reach out to one of our volunteers at any time. Additionally, pcbstudents will not be responsible for any damaged or lost phones while there.