August 4, 2024
Pastor Jay has chosen Luke 6:40 for this sermon series, based on our mission as a church to see people Come, Connect, Commit, and Change. This week's emphasis is "Come" from Isaiah 6:1-8, where we are reminded to come to church with an expectation that we will meet with our holy God, realizing that we are unworthy because we think of ourselves more than Him, that atonement has been made for that and all our sins, and we are called to communicate our experiences with God to others.
August 11, 2024
Our Series verse, Luke 6:40 NASB 2020 says: "A student is not above the teacher; but everyone, when he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher."
This message, from Acts 2:42-27, is about Connection. Pastor Jay shares that consistently meeting with those in a similar life stage will help us grow as Christians. If we are vulnerable with one another, and seek the best for one another, unity is strengthened in the body of Christ.
August 25, 2024
Pastor Jay summed up this PCBC vision sermon series by reiterating that it can take a lifetime to be "fully trained" to be like our Teacher, Jesus Christ. (Luke 6:40) From Matthew 9:35-38, we see that when we Come with the expectation of meeting with Jesus, Connect with others in the body of Christ, and Commit to being a part of what God is doing, we can Change the world. When we see others and are stirred with compassion for them, we will pray for their salvation and how we might be a part of them coming to know Him.
August 18, 2024
Church is not a menu, but a map to a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. Pastor Jay's message from Romans 12:3-13 reminds us that we are called to be a part of the "team," not referee/critique from the sidelines. Our attitude should be gratitude for the opportunity to serve the mission of the church in whatever way we are gifted. When we are "all in" like that, we receive a blessing from serving - and God gets the glory.